The Remedies for Passing the Drug Tests for weed
The Basics
The drug test usually includes the urinary test. In this, when THC is entered into the body, there is the disposition of metabolites in the fat cells of your body. These cells are released slowly, and then they are removed out from the body. The tests require up to 60 millilitres of urine for the sampling and testing of the presence of any metabolites. The drug tests involve immunoassay, dipstick tests, HPLC, specific gravity tests, GC/MA. For passing these above tests, you need to get under the number of marks needed to clear these drug tests. However,dark hair people can’t pass this test because of the good amount of melanin in their hair which is the prime carrier of toxins.
Ways to beat the drug test
The following are the several ways to beat the drug tests for weed–
- Long Pace Method of Natural Detoxification: While looking for any job,several tests are involved, including the drug test.If you have time for this test,you should stop smoking until that test has the best negative result. As time passes, the body itself will remove the marijuana metabolites from your body. Suppose will be flushed out naturally. The period involved in this is different from one person to another. This is because of the varied factors in people’s body such as activity level, weight, person’s metabolism and various other factors.
- The Dilution: For cheating, the drug test, dilution is the best way. All you need to do is drink a lot of water and let the drug out through the urine. This will let that drug contents out easily and even faster, and then your tests results will surely be negative.
Drinking eight glasses of water per day will do your work, and you will certainly not get caught. In addition, you will easily pass a drug test.